Show Notes


Ep. 81: How does the Bible impact our lives?

Ep. 81: How does the Bible impact our lives?

Discover the profound impact of engaging with Scripture, as it serves as a lamp to illuminate life’s path and provides comfort in trials. The Bible not only offers answers to life’s questions but also guides our worldview, revealing God’s character and intentions. Embrace the transformative journey through God’s Word, guided by the Holy Spirit, and experience a renewal of mind and spirit.

Ep. 80: Can the Bible be trusted?

Ep. 80: Can the Bible be trusted?

This episode of Focused on Christ discusses the trustworthiness of the Bible. Pastors Mike and Nathan argue the Bible is God’s word, proven by historical manuscripts and archaeological findings. They acknowledge variations in translation but emphasize the core message remains unchanged. Listeners are encouraged to study the Bible with a teacher and experience its truth through faith.

Ep. 79: Is Christian Nationalism biblical?

Ep. 79: Is Christian Nationalism biblical?

The topic of Christian Nationalism is common in our cultural moment. The term is often used to mischaracterize Christians, but do we understand the theological underpinnings that often drive this ideology – even inside the church? In this episode, Pastors Mike and Nathan look at the topic of Christian Nationalism and the influences that have made it a common name. Is there any truth to this concept and if not, how should Christians biblical engage with the #government.

Ep. 78: What is the purpose of baptism?

Ep. 78: What is the purpose of baptism?

In the New Testament we see the apostles commanding people to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38), but what exactly is baptism? Is it required for salvation? What is the correct method for baptism? Is baptizing babies ok? Join Mike and Nathan as they talk through these questions and several more in order to provide a clear understanding of the purpose of this sacred act.

Ep. 77: Is church for believers or unbelievers?

Ep. 77: Is church for believers or unbelievers?

Should the focus of Sunday morning worship be evangelism of the lost or discipleship of the people of God? This question is crucial because it will guide the #ministry rhythms of a local church. In this discussion, Mike and Nathan discuss this topic as well as the concept of “belonging before you believe.” Is it possible (biblical) to be involved in a #church without confessing Christ as Lord.