Show Notes


Ep. 85: Why did Jesus have to suffer (revisited)

Ep. 85: Why did Jesus have to suffer (revisited)

Isaiah 53 portrays a suffering Messiah, a servant who bears the sins of the world through substitutionary atonement. This unexpected depiction of the Messiah as one who is despised and rejected offers a deeper understanding of God’s justice and love. Through Christ’s voluntary sacrifice, we are invited to embrace this truth and live out the righteousness of God in our daily lives.

Special Episode: Trump’s assassination attempt and the Bible

Special Episode: Trump’s assassination attempt and the Bible

In a politically charged world, Christians are called to focus on Christ rather than connecting current events to scripture or seeking political messiahs. The Bible urges believers to live holy lives and maintain allegiance to Christ above all. When voting, Christians should consider policies over personalities, aiming to support the church’s mission and thrive in their faith.

Ep. 84: Why should I go to church?

Ep. 84: Why should I go to church?

Mike and Nathan delve into the theological foundations of the church, the scriptural mandate for Christians to gather, and the example set by Jesus Christ Himself. Learn why physical presence in worship is crucial for accountability, unity, and living out the truth of the Gospel. Understand the unique dynamic of live #preaching and teaching, and how regular attendance supports church leaders and fosters a shared mission. This message is essential for anyone seeking to deepen their #faith , combat self-centeredness, and find renewal in their spiritual journey.

Ep. 82: Why should I devote myself to broken people?

Ep. 82: Why should I devote myself to broken people?

Devotion is a steadfast commitment that reflects God’s love and redemptive purpose. Christians are called to mirror this devotion in their relationships, exemplified by the early church’s unity and selflessness. Despite challenges, devotion strengthens our faith and fosters spiritual growth. Embracing devotion within the church community is essential for reflecting Christ’s selfless love and fulfilling God’s purpose for us.