Articles & Show Summaries
Ep. 114: Is all anger sinful?
In John 2 we see Jesus respond in anger when he witnesses the Temple of God being turned into a...
Ep. 113: Is the Bible cool again?
Recently Wes Huff was recently interviewed by Joe Rogan, which exposed millions of people to the...
Ep. 112: Turning Water into Wine
In this episode of Focused on Christ you will discover the profound meaning behind Jesus's early...
Ep. 111: The Birth & Childhood of Jesus
Discover the fascinating historical facts about Jesus's birth and early life that differ from...
Ep. 110: Jesus Family and the Real Mary
Discover the fascinating story behind Jesus's family tree and the events leading to His birth....
Ep. 109: Mailbag Show – Can unbelievers be truly happy?
In our first show of the new year we open up the mailbag and cover some questions sent in last...
Ep. 108: Is the American church the lukewarm church in Revelation?
This episode of Focused on Christ explores the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 and highlights...
Ep. 107: How do you define a DEAD CHURCH?
Explore the profound lessons from the letters to the churches in Sardis and Philadelphia in the...
Ep. 106: Dealing with a Jezebel in the local church
The Church of Thyatira, situated in a bustling commercial center known for its purple dye and...
Ep. 105: How do we deal with persecution?
In this episode of Focused on Christ, Mike and Nathan look at the letters to the churches in...