The Bible’s role as the breathed-out Word of God is central to a believer’s life, influencing everything from personal choices to the broader church community. Recognizing the Bible as the ultimate authority ensures that our actions and beliefs are firmly rooted in a faith that is both stable and confident. However, rejecting this authority can result in a shaky foundation, characterized by moral uncertainty and spiritual anxiety. The recent debates within the United Methodist Church over the ordination of homosexual clergy underscore the tension between cultural trends and scriptural fidelity. It’s imperative to interpret the Bible based on its original context, rather than through the lens of contemporary culture. Supporting the Bible’s trustworthiness, an abundance of historical and archaeological evidence, along with over 5,700 Greek manuscripts, affirms its unparalleled authenticity. Even with variations among manuscripts, scholars can reconstruct the original texts with remarkable accuracy, ensuring the message remains intact. Translations across languages and cultures further demonstrate the commitment to preserving Scripture’s original message. Embrace the challenge to deepen your trust in the Bible’s authority and let it shape your daily life and decisions, encouraging others to recognize its transformative power.

Helpful Resources:

Dr. Nathan Smith – Teaching on the Bible’s Trustworthiness

The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (Dan Wallace)

In Defense of the Bible

Understanding the Scriptures


Main Discussion Points:

  • The Bible is the breathed-out word of God, and it is authoritative and trustworthy for all areas of life.
  • People who believe the Bible is the word of God will base their life on it.
  • The Bible is not a book of mythology, there is an abundance of manuscripts to prove its existence.
  • There are more manuscripts for the New Testament than any other ancient writing.
  • Inconsistencies in the manuscripts are not a major concern because scholars can compare them to determine the original meaning.
  • Archaeology is a field that confirms the accuracy of the Bible.
  • The Bible is self-authenticating, meaning it proves itself to be God’s word.
  • The Bible is inerrant in its original form, meaning it is without error.
  • The doctrine of the preservation of scripture means that God will preserve his word.
  • People should study the Bible with a teacher or preacher.
  • The Quran and the Book of Mormon do not have the same level of manuscript evidence as the Bible.
  • The Bible’s internal harmony and power is unparalleled.
  • The Church has faithfully carried the Bible throughout history.
  • You can taste and see that the Bible is true through faith.