The Role of Spiritual Gifts in the Church
Welcome to Focused on Christ, where we are passionate about exalting Christ and equipping the church. I’m your host, Mike Crump, here with Pastor Nathan Smith. Today, we will explore the role of spiritual gifts in the church.
Overview of Spiritual Gifts
This week, we will provide an overview of spiritual gifts and their purpose. Next week, we’ll delve into some of the miraculous gifts, and the following week, we will discuss demon possession. Sounds like a fun round, right?
Before we jump into our topic, I want to take a moment to address something that has been widely discussed in our circles: the fall of Pastor Steve Lawson. Many people are expressing anger and confusion online. For those who may not know, Pastor Lawson was not only a pastor but also a teacher at The Master’s Seminary, where he served as dean.
I had the privilege of being in his inaugural doctorate class, and I’ve learned a lot from him over the years. His preaching and theological depth have impacted many. However, this situation has hit hard, especially since many view him as a gifted teacher. It raises the crucial question: how did this happen?
Processing a High-Profile Fall
When a high-profile pastor falls, it can be disheartening. We need to grieve, but it also prompts us to reflect on whether our faith is rooted in a person or something greater. If we have a relationship with a local pastor, the impact can be even more profound. Those in the congregation who trusted him may now experience doubt and insecurity.
A common question arises: what do we do with the resources he provided? While we should approach his materials with discernment, a wise pastor reminded me that just because the man has proven false doesn’t mean everything he said is false. The truth of God remains, regardless of the messenger’s failures.
The Need for Clarity
One disappointment I’ve experienced is the vague terminology used when discussing the situation. Terms like “inappropriate relationship” fail to provide clear categories. We need clarity in how these issues are communicated, especially for the sake of the church that is listening.
Let’s pray not just for Lawson’s family and church but also for our own hearts. We must ensure that our foundation is Christ and actively root out any sin present in our lives. The enemy desires to steal, kill, and destroy, and we must remain vigilant.
Spiritual Gifts: A Biblical Framework
Now, let’s pivot to our main topic: spiritual gifts. When we think of spiritual gifts, we understand they are given by God to edify the church. It’s essential to approach the topic biblically. Spiritual gifts are for believers, intended for the building up of the church.
The Fear of Discussing Spiritual Gifts
Why do you think there’s such fear surrounding this topic? I often find myself questioning where others stand on the miraculous gifts debate, which sometimes clouds my ability to rejoice in the gifts altogether.
We need to be clear in our definitions, as terms like “spiritual gifts” carry a lot of baggage. Instead, let’s talk about the empowerment of the Spirit that God desires to give for the edification of the church.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts in Scripture
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul writes about the variety of gifts given by the same Spirit for the common good. This passage emphasizes that these gifts manifest the Spirit of God, not ourselves. The focus should always be on God’s glory, not personal recognition.
When Do We Receive Spiritual Gifts?
We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit at conversion, not during water baptism. The gifts are part of this indwelling. There is debate about whether gifts are fixed or if the Holy Spirit can stir up different gifts at different stages in our lives. It’s important to remember that our gifts are for the edification of the church.
Finding Your Spiritual Gifts
So, how do we find our spiritual gifts? Many remember the spiritual gifts assessments popular in the late nineties. While they can identify affections, they don’t always reveal motivations. They might not be the best way to discern our spiritual gifts.
The key is to look at your affections and how they align with God’s calling. Are you walking in obedience? What excites you about serving God’s people? Ask those around you for feedback on where they see you flourishing.
The Role of Mystical Feelings
What about mystical feelings or the language of being “led”? While such feelings can indicate God’s guidance, they must always align with Scripture. If your feelings contradict God’s Word, then they’re not truly from Him.
In closing, the journey to understanding our spiritual gifts is not about identifying a label but about looking more like Jesus. As we navigate this process, let’s ensure we’re walking in obedience, living out our faith, and seeking to serve one another.
Thank you for joining us today on Focused on Christ. Next week, we’ll explore the different gifts mentioned in the Bible and the role miraculous gifts play in the church today. Don’t forget that our 100th episode is coming soon, and we would love for you to be involved! For more details, visit our website at focusedonchrist.com.