In the biblical context, church discipline is a crucial process designed to uphold holiness and accountability among believers. It is not a punitive action but a loving correction intended to address sin within the congregation. The practice is rooted in both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing God’s concern for the purity of His people. Misconceptions often paint church discipline as legalistic or harsh, but when properly applied, it is gentle, patient, and clear in its adherence to biblical principles. The steps outlined in Matthew 18—private confrontation, bringing witnesses, telling it to the church, and treating the unrepentant as an outsider—are meant to ensure fairness and promote reconciliation. Church discipline serves as a means of sanctification, aiding believers in living out their deliverance and fostering a deeper relationship with God and fellow Christians.

Other Resources:

Legal Risks for Churches and Church Discipline (9Marks):

Church Discipline Principles (TGC):

Deep Dive into “Healthy Church” use of Discipline (Challies):

Church Discipline Primer (9Marks):

Discussion Questions

1. What was your initial reaction to the concept of church discipline?

2. How does understanding church discipline as a loving act change your perspective on it?

3. Why do you think accountability is important in the Christian community?

4. Can you share a time when you had to confront someone or were confronted about a sin? How did it go?

5. What are some misconceptions about church discipline that you had before this discussion?

6. How can we ensure that church discipline is carried out in a loving and biblical manner?

7. What role does humility play in both giving and receiving church discipline?

8. How can we support each other in our pursuit of holiness and accountability?