In this episode of Focused on Christ you will discover the profound meaning behind Jesus’s early ministry and His first miracle at Cana. Learn how authentic discipleship transforms lives through relationship rather than mere religious knowledge. Explore the deep symbolism of water turning into wine and its significance for modern believers. Mike and Nathan examine the transition from old religious systems to Christ’s new covenant of grace, revealing how Jesus invites us into genuine relationship with Him.

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus in today’s context?
  • How does the first-century understanding of discipleship differ from modern perceptions?
  • What significance does the wedding at Cana hold in Jesus’ ministry?
  • How does Jesus turning water into wine symbolize the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant?
  • In what ways does Jesus cover our shame, as seen in the miracle at Cana?
  • How can we apply the ‘come and see’ approach to discipleship in our own lives?
  • What role does relationship play in effective discipleship?
  • How can we invite others to ‘come and see’ Jesus through our daily lives?